We aren’t performing well;

I will take responsibility to fix it.

Bigger part 2 by Doc McIntyre,

My friend Ruben shared this advice:

Understand the difference between fault and responsibility, and learn to say, “This is not my fault, but it is my responsibility.”

We spend way too much time getting defensive and trying to avoid blame, and we miss the important part, which is how do we make things better.

Next time something goes wrong, raise your hand and say, “I’ll take whatever blame needs to be taken,” and watch the positive effect it has on the conversation.

Blame You John Cena GIF by WWE

We aren’t performing well; I will take responsibility to fix it.

You know the feeling—things are messy, deadlines are being missed, and processes that should flow like clockwork are constantly hitting roadblocks. When your business processes feel like a tangled mess, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But here’s the good news: there is a path out of the chaos, and it starts with 4 straightforward principles.

We lean into the GSD pillars: Clarity, Teamwork, Discipline, and Energy. These aren’t just buzzwords—they’re your playbook for untangling a broken process and getting your operation running smoothly again.

Clarity – the first step is to determine or re-determine where you’re trying to go. If your goals, and objectives are loosely defined (or not defined at all), your team has a very low probability of performing. Until you are crystal clear on what you are trying to do, why it matters and how you will measure it, you have not set your team up for exceptional performance.

Teamwork – after you’ve defined where you and the team are trying to go, you must now decide who will help you get there. Do you have the correct people on your team, are they competent to do what you’re asking them to do and do they each understand their roles and responsibilities relative to the goal? If not, you have some teamwork gaps to focus on.

Discipline – Execution requires discipline. In this sense, we mean discipline to the process. Do we have a process defined that we need to follow, and are we following the process? It also requires discipline to evaluate the effectiveness of the process, meaning, is the process producing the results we seek as we defined them in step 1?

Energy – execution requires a tremendous amount of energy. It isn’t easy, but if it is your responsibility, it requires that you muster the energy to GSD (Get Sh!t Done). It requires that you continually refer to the clarity in step 1, engage with your team to ensure they are on board and constantly are evaluating the processes in play to ensure that they are working, they are effective, and they are producing the results you are seeking. And you must do this while remaining positive, encouraging, and supportive; focused on the goals. Your team will reflect your energy almost 100% of the time, so it is up to you to “Bring It.”

Take the responsibility and embrace it. Remember, champions do every day what normal people do only when they are forced to.

Now, Go Get Sh!t Done!

If you haven't read my book, Building a Kick-Ass Culture, click here and check it out. It is full of "how to" steps for building a healthy and dynamic culture.